Five years ago, on November 18th, Cherub Capers became a reality rather than a dream. What started out as a temporary Pop-Up store has morphed into a large brick and mortar shop and an online shop that provides an opportunity for sharing all over the world.
Cherub Capers has been my dream since college in the late 80's. I love color and beautiful things like flowers and lace and delicate accent pieces. Have you ever stopped to really look at the artistry and craftsmanship found in porcelain dishes that were HAND PAINTED?! What about the dainty, ornate, and decorative figurines from days past?! Many of today's societal trends are to dispose of them. My heart hurts because of the loss of pieces of art all for the sake of modernism and a disposable society.
My shop is, as I was told at the November Artwalk, the home of my alterego. It is the place where I let beauty and love for the vintage shine.
Teaching computer aided drafting and design, my full time job, (so I can pay for Cherub Capers) requires me think critically and view objects with a technical eye. Cherub Capers gives me the opportunity to share with you my reverence for beauty and artistry. Shop treasures like china dishes, lamps, bedspreads, and clothing are ways to reduce and reuse, a large need for our sustainable future.
I hope you will find some time to roam the aisles or browse the website and explore what Cherub Capers is all about. I'm happy you are here and I thank you for reading and being my friend and customer.
Owner, Cherub Capers